Interface FeedItemDetails


  • FeedItemDetails


channel?: null | string

The channel id of the feed. The property has value when the source is channel or playlist or dynamicContent.

duration: number

The total duration of the video. If the source is playlistGroup this value will always be 0. Otherwise this value is the duration of the selected video.

dynamicContentParameters?: null | {
    [key: string]: string[];

The dynamic content parameters of the feed. The property has value when the source is dynamicContent.

feedId?: null | string

The feed id for the item. Only supported on Android.

hashtagFilterExpression?: null | string

Hashtag filter expression is an s-expression used to provide feeds filtered by hashtags with specified criteria. Queries are specified with boolean predicates on what hashtags are there on the video. For instance, (and sport food) (or sport food) (and sport (or food comedy)) sport are all valid expressions. Non-UTF-8 characters are not allowed. If using boolean predicates, the expression needs to be wrapped with parenthesis.

id: string

The unique id of the thumbnail. If the source is playlistGroup this value will represent the playlist's id; otherwise this value is the id of the selected video.

index: number

The index of the thumbnail tapped in the feed.

playlist?: null | string

Playlist id of the feed. The property has value when the source is playlist.

playlistGroup?: null | string

Playlist group id of the feed. The property has value when the source is playlistGroup.

The source of the feed.

title?: null | string

The title of the feed item. Currently, the property doesn't have value on the Android side when the source is playlistGroup. But the property has value for other feed sources.

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