Interface VideoFeedConfiguration


  • VideoFeedConfiguration


aspectRatio?: number

The aspect ratio(width / height) for video feed item. Defaults to 4 / 6. Only supported on iOS.

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of video feed, such as #c0c0c0. If you don't set this property, the background will be transparent.

contentPadding?: VideoFeedPadding

The padding of video feed content. Defaults to { top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10 }. Only supported on iOS.

cornerRadius?: number

Corner radius of video feed item. Defaults to 10 on iOS. Defaults to 0 on Android.

enableAutoplay?: boolean

Specifies if autoplay is enabled. Defaults to false.

gridColumns?: number

The number of feed items to be displayed per row. The property only takes effect when video feed mode is grid. The property value needs to be an integer and greater than 0. Defaults to 2.

itemSpacing?: number

The item spacing for video feed. If you don't set this property, the item spacing will be 10 on iOS and 4px on Android.

Configuration of video feed item play icon.

replayBadge?: ReplayBadgeConfiguration

The configuration of replay badge. Only supported on iOS.

shadow?: VideoFeedShadowConfiguration

The shadow configuration of video feed item. Only supported on iOS.

showAdBadge?: boolean

Indicates if the video feed item shows ad badge. Defaults to false.

Configuration of video feed item title.

titlePadding?: VideoFeedPadding

The padding of video feed title. Defaults to { top: 8, right: 8, bottom: 8, left: 8 }. Only supported on iOS.

titlePosition?: VideoFeedTitlePosition

Title position of video feed item. Defaults to nested.

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