The entry class of video shopping.


  • VideoShopping


onAddToCart?: AddToCartCallback

This callback is triggered when the user clicks the "Add to cart" button.

The host apps can return an AddToCartResult object to tell FireworkSDK the result of adding to cart. If the host apps want to customize the processing logic of clicking "Add to cart" button, they could return null or undefined in the callback.


The callback will be deprecated since RN SDK V2.1.

onClickCartIcon?: ClickCartIconCallback

This callback is triggered when the user clicks the shopping cart icon.

The host app can return NewNativeContainerProps object and we will push a new native container with the props.


The property will be deprecated since RN SDK V2.0.

onShoppingCTA?: ShoppingCTACallback

This callback is triggered when the user clicks the "Add to cart" or "Shop now" button. The host app can return a ShoppingCTAResult object to tell SDK how to handle the result.

onUpdateProductDetails?: UpdateProductDetailsCallback

This callback is triggered when the video will be shown.

The host app can return a Product list to update the latest product information.

onWillDisplayProduct?: WillDisplayProductCallback

Please use productInfoViewConfiguration property. Only supported on iOS.


The property will be deprecated since RN SDK V2.0. Use productInfoViewConfiguration instead.


  • get cartIconVisible(): boolean
  • Defaults to true. You can hide the cart icon by setting this property to false.

    Returns boolean

  • set cartIconVisible(value: boolean): void
  • Parameters

    • value: boolean

    Returns void


  • Parameters

    • count: number

      The number of items in the host app cart. The count should be greater than or equal to 0. We just use count to show or hide red indicator on the cart icon. If cound > 0, we will show the red indicator on the cart icon. Otherwise, we will hide the red indicator on the cart icon.

    Returns void

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