fw_flutter_sdk library Null safety
- AdBadgeConfiguration
- AdConfiguration
- AddToCartButtonConfiguration
- AddToCartEvent
- AddToCartResult
- CustomCTAClickEvent
- FeedItemDetails
- FireworkSDK
- The entry class of Firework Flutter SDK, which supports the sdk initialization, global configuration, etc.
- FWError
- FWEvent
- FWEventBus
- Dispatches events to all listeners. You can receive the events dispatched in another flutter engine.
- You can use this class for pushing Flutter page from the native page.
- LiveStream
- The entry class of live stream.
- LiveStreamChatEvent
- LiveStreamEvent
- LiveStreamEventDetails
- LiveStreamMessageDetails
- Product
- ProductInfoViewConfiguration
- ProductPrice
- ProductUnit
- ProductUnitOption
- SDKInitEvent
- StoryBlock
- TrackPurchaseParameters
- UpdateProductDetailsEvent
- VastAttribute
- VideoFeed
- The widget of video feed.
- VideoFeedClickEvent
- VideoFeedConfiguration
- VideoFeedContentPadding
- VideoFeedController
- A controller for video feed.
- VideoFeedPlayIconConfiguration
- VideoFeedTitleConfiguration
- VideoPlaybackDetails
- VideoPlaybackEvent
- VideoPlayerConfiguration
- VideoPlayerCTAStyle
- VideoPlayerSize
- VideoShopping
- The entry class of video shopping.
- WillDisplayProductEvent
= Future<
AddToCartResult> Function(AddToCartEvent? event) -
= Future<
void> Function() - CustomCTAClickCallback = void Function(CustomCTAClickEvent? event)
- OnLiveStreamChatEventCallback = void Function(LiveStreamChatEvent? event)
- OnLiveStreamEventCallback = void Function(LiveStreamEvent? event)
- SDKInitCallback = void Function(SDKInitEvent event)
- StoryBlockLoadFinishedCallback = void Function(FWError? error)
= Future<
List< Function(UpdateProductDetailsEvent? event)Product> ?> - VideoFeedClickCallback = void Function(VideoFeedClickEvent? event)
- VideoFeedCreatedCallback = void Function(VideoFeedController controller)
- VideoFeedLoadFinishedCallback = void Function(FWError? error)
- VideoPlaybackCallback = void Function(VideoPlaybackEvent? event)
= Future<
ProductInfoViewConfiguration?> Function(WillDisplayProductEvent? event)