onSDKInitThe callback of SDK initialization.
onthe callback of clicking Video Feed.
The configuration for ad badges. The set accessor is async.
The app component name.
The get accessor will be deprecated since RN SDK V2.0.
The set accessor will be deprecated since RN SDK V2.0.
The custom CTA link content page route name.
The get accessor will be deprecated since RN SDK V2.0.
The set accessor will be deprecated since RN SDK V2.0.
Defaults to false. You can enable debug logs by setting this property to true.
Get LiveStream object.
Get FWNavigator object.
The callback of clicking custom CTA.
The callback of video playback.
The share base URL of videos. The set accessor is async.
Get VideoShopping object.
Open Video URL.
config: VideoPlayerConfigurationRecords the user purchase. Only supported on iOS.
getGet global single instance of FireworkSDK class.
Generated using TypeDoc
Entry class of Firework SDK, which supports the sdk initialization and global configuration.